UNI EN ISO 14001
Tyman International dedication to identifying, controlling, and reducing the environmental effect of its processes, goods, and services is clearly demonstrated by UNI EN ISO 14001 accreditation, which also attests to the dependability of its environmental management system.
According to the standard, the organization must put its goals in writing and use the management system to make them a reality. The following primary elements of such a system are specified by the standard: environmental policy, planning, actuation and operation, controls and remedial measures, and management reviews.
The certification is based on Management’s fundamental dedication to legal compliance, ongoing improvement, and pollution control. Data gathering, checking for compliance with existing environmental standards and laws, identifying and assessing environmental problems, setting priorities, and identifying important environmental features are some of these actions.
Based on this, Tyman International has further improved its use of natural resources and put policies in place to make sure that all of its partners and suppliers are aware of environmental issues by giving preference to those with environmentally friendly practices .
Giesse plant in Budrio, Italy
Giesse’s Budrio facility received EN ISO 14001 accreditation from TÜV Italia in March 2009. This certification governs the environmental aspects of all production processes.

Giesse’s commitment has been acknowledged and certified by TÜV Italia, the independent certification and inspection agency operating in Italy since 1987, subsidiary of the TÜV SUD group (established in 1866). It is today one of the largest and most authoritative certification and inspection agencies, with 600 offices and over 13,000 employees around the world.
Schlegel plant in Aycliffe, UK

Schlegel’s Aycliffe facility received EN ISO 14001 accreditation from BSI in December 2004. This certification governs the environmental aspects of the design and manufacture of weather strips and plastic extrusions.
Schlegel’s commitment has been acknowledged and certified by BSI, the British Standards Institution which helps businesses worldwide to improve results through Standards-based best practice.