Antigerm™ Brochure
Our health begins with what we touch

Donwload the Antigerm™ Brochure, the antibacterial treatment for Reguitti, Giesse and Jatec handles.

Statistics show that contamination with bacteria living over the surfaces most commonly used by people is amongst the most common causes of disease.
In public places like clinics, schools and nurseries, door handles are continuously touched by a large number of people every day. On their surface bacteria and germs (more and more resistant to antibiotic treatment) settle and spread. They can be cause
of serious illnesses, even leading to death in the weakest subjects.
Sensitivity, responsibility, safety: preventing bacteria is a standard hygienic procedure. The Antigerm™ treatment is the answer to public health responsibility and to the wellbeing of every person that touch our handles.
Click below to download the Antigerm™ brochure and request more details