To reduce our environmental impact we implement extensive internal business-level action plans. We also look for external certification in accordance with global environmental standards.
The usage of materials, including the principles of reduce, re-use, and recycle, as well as ongoing energy and water efficiency programs, are some of the topics covered by these policies and management systems. Moreover, we look for external certification in accordance with global environmental standards.
Health and Safety
Corporate sustainability and employee health and safety are closely intertwined: a company cannot be considered sustainable if it does not protect the well-being of its employees. Adopting an integrated approach between sustainability and occupational health and safety policies, Giesse is constantly working to define and maintain strict procedures to protect the health and safety of employees. ‘
Continuous improvement is a goal of annual plans that include audits, management systems, training and employee engagement, and is measured through a number of metrics, both primary and secondary. The way health and safety is managed within the Group is described in the Health and Safety Policy and the Health and Safety Management System.
Zero waste to landfill
Our goal is to eliminate waste sent to landfills by optimizing processes and adopting innovative solutions.
A new evaporator has improved hazardous waste separation, reducing such waste by 76%.
Additionally, an alternative chemical pre-treatment process is under study at the Budrio plant to further cut waste volumes.
Together, these initiatives demonstrate the commitment to sustainability, cost efficiency, and compliance with regulations, while aligning with the organization’s environmental objectives.
Energy efficiency
Implementing initiatives that aim to reduce environmental impact for us also means looking at these two fundamental pillars:
Renewable energies With the aim of substantially increasing the share of renewable energy in the overall energy mix, our contribution takes the form of energy efficiency in production processes and the use of 100% electricity from certified renewable sources.
Energy saving From a sustainable perspective, reducing energy consumption is essential not only to cut greenhouse gas emissions, but also to reduce the demand for natural resources.
Transition, by the end of 2024, from traditional lighting to LED lighting for the entire Budrio plant and reduction in the percentage of electrical energy (-42% kWh);
Tyman International complies with the requirements of REACH (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006), the European Union regulation that protects human health and the environment from chemicals hazards, while increasing the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry.